Maj. Malik Nadal Hasan – The tale of the tape so far
From USA Today:
Military: Evidence points to solo shooter in Ft. Hood deathsNader Hasan, who described himself to Fox News as a cousin, said Hasan is a Muslim who went into the military against his parents’ wishes. Nader Hasan called his cousin a “good American” who never got into trouble, but added that he did not support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
“He had always wanted to just get away from the war and (that) environment,” Nader Hasan said. “He wasn’t someone who even enjoyed going to the firing range.”
CAIR came out with a press release before Barack Hussein Obama did. CAIR went into instant spin mode as they denied ANY involvement and offered their condolences and repeated their usual mantra regarding their not being involved. Maybe they weren’t involved, directly. Time will tell.
Hasan’s *cousin* describes him as a ‘good American’, one that went against his families wishes as he joined the U.S. Army. According to this *cousin*, Hasan was against the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. That strikes me as very strange. WHY would a now known to be Muslim of Jordanian decent want to join the U.S. military in the first place?
The *cousin* goes on to say, “He wasn’t someone who even enjoyed going to the firing range.” For a man that didn’t enjoy going to the range, Maj. Hasan exhibited a great deal of preparation and skill in his attack.
From further down in the USA Today story there is this;
U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul, a Republican from Austin, was briefed by military officials and said Hasan had taken some unusual classes for someone studying about mental health.
“He took a lot of extra classes in weapons training, which seems a little odd for a psychiatrist,” McCaul said.
McCaul, who had been briefed by military officials, said Hasan had received a poor grades for his work at Walter Reed and was not happy about his situation in Fort Hood, where Hasan apparently felt like “he didn’t fit in.”
It seems to me that perhaps Maj. Hasan had a personal agenda and that he apparently had his own family members fooled regarding his ‘dislike’ of going ‘to the range’.
Barack Hussein Obama weighs in with this;
From MSNBC: Obama: Don’t jump to conclusions on rampage
FORT HOOD, Texas – President Barack Obama said the “entire nation is grieving right now” over the mass killings at Fort Hood. He urged people not to jump to conclusions while law enforcement officials gather facts about the shootings.
Of course we are grieving, well, Christian Americans are grieving. It is, in MY opinion, only a natural reaction for Barack Hussein Obama to immediately come forward and say ‘don’t jump to conclusions’, he has to defend his Islamic brothers. Islam comes before ALL for some people it appears, and we all know that Obama has made it abundantly clear what his views are.
At Egypt’s Cairo University, Obama quoted from the Quran as he expounded on Islam’s glories and rights, the legitimate rights of Israel and the Palestinians, Iranian nuclear aspirations, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, women’s rights, economic development, and religious rights and democracy in the Muslim world.
The address, billed as a fence-mending mission between the United States and Islam, urged those present and the people across the globe viewing the speech on television to enter a new, productive and peaceful chapter in their relationship.
The entire story can be read here: In Ankara, I made clear that America is not — and never will be — at war with Islam.
Barack Hussein Obama may feel that we are not at war with Islam, but I don’t think Islam got the message. The attacks of 9-11 were carried out by Muslims. The attack on the USS Cole was carried out by Muslims. The attack on Marine Barracks Beirut was carried out by Muslims.
I can’t even begin to list ALL of the terror attacks carried out by Muslims, Islamic radicals, but these folks DO keep track of them and have a well documented page.
This list of terrorist attacks committed by Muslims since 9/11/01 (a rate of about three or four a day) is incomplete because only a small percentage of attacks were picked up by international news sources, even those resulting in multiple loss of life. SOURCE
Barack Hussein Obama wants us all to believe that we are NOT at WAR with Islam. Personally, I think Obama is one of the Muslims, put in place as a *Manchurian Candidate*. Look at what’s happened to the USA since Obama took the reins of power. And again I say, Obama’s Muslim brothers apparently didn’t get the ‘we are not at war with Islam’ message.
Lt. Gen. Robert Cone, the base commander at Fort Hood, said on NBC’s Today Show that witnesses heard Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan shout “Allahu Akbar!” before opening fire. The phrase means “God is great!” in Arabic. SOURCE
I don’t want to go against our illustrious President and jump to conclusions, but that “Allahu Akbar” thing IS the battle cry of an Islamic warrior as he is about to strike. Just sayin’, you know, since Obama has absolutely NO military or Intelligence experience, I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt, he may not be aware. That can’t be said now.
There’s still a lot more to come from this story I fear. There are going to be some serious repercussions as this develops, as ALL the facts come out.
I’m not trying to be any more inflammatory than usual, I have long made my beliefs clear where Islam and Muslims are concerned and I am not about to retract ANY of those opinions now.
I am not attempting to incite anything, but if anyone even remotely believes that we are NOT at war with Islam, I submit to you, my readers, that person, or persons, is either out of their mind or is one of the enemy themselves and attempting to deflect or defend against attacks upon their brothers and Islamic warriors.
And one other thing, WHY in the hell does our military allow Muslims to serve? Don’t they realize that allegiance to Islam comes before ALL?