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Anti-Muslim Hate Blog Taken Down by WordPress After Complaints From CAIR


Do you want to see what telling the truth, speaking your mind and doing it on a FREE blog platform can get you? Take a look at this link: Bare Naked Islam


Anti-Muslim Hate Blog Taken Down by WordPress After Complaints From CAIR

An anti-Muslim hate blog that contained inflammatory comments has been taken down by its hosting company after numerous complaints from the Council on American-Islamic Relations, PR Newswire reports.

Visitors to the site Barenakedislam.com now see a message noting the blog is no longer available:


A news report posted by CAIR on YouTube in November details the threats made by those on the blog:

CAIR has archived some of the pages, and it seems some of the complaints stem from the comments readers were leaving, such as this one:

Full Story Here:
WordPress Takes Down Bare Naked Islam Blog After CAIR complaints

Freedom of speech for thee but NOT for me CAIR?

OK, right here is where I tell the truth, and in the process, possibly PISS OFF some folks that may believe that THEY are the only ones that understand the Bill of Rights.

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Freedom of speech and freedom of the press; grand and noble ideas, and I support them in full! Here is where the truth isn’t going to be so convenient for some; Bare Naked Islam was posting their stuff on a blog platform sponsored by WordPress.COM, a FREE blog!

In other words, they were using the tools GIVEN to them, BY WordPress, for FREE, and in doing so, BNI was compelled to follow the terms of service set down BY WordPress.com.

Long explanation short; you can say anything on YOUR blog that YOU want to say, but if that blog is a FREE service provided by Blogger or WordPress or the like, THEY have the final say as to what is and is NOT acceptable and can, at their pleasure, terminate you and your blog and remove ALL content.

Remember, it’s a FREE service, and you get what you pay for.

And that explains why so many of us that are *controversial* bloggers are on hosted blogs that we pay for, and why we pay for our domain names, ie: our URLs.

I use a WordPress.ORG platform, a public domain platform offered by our host service. We that do so are in FULL control of our blogs and can, at our discretion, post anything that we want to, and only have to worry about some hate mail as long as we source our material well and use OPINIONS and not slanderous statements.

I wish Bare Naked Islam well and I hope they return shortly on a paid host as they once again take on the hypocrisy that is Islam, but one word of advice, don’t allow those that comment to call for blowing up Mosques, given the powers that be in D.C, you’re only asking for trouble if you do.

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